Launched in the far distant early days of the internet (on 23 August 1999, to be precise) but still sporadically updated, this website is a somewhat affectionate portrait of a decidedly minor branchline which in the course of its 150+ years of existence has undergone many changes that transformed it almost completely on several occasions- and yet the Epsom Downs Branch continues to be a part of the contemporary South London commuter railway system. The website may therefore also provide some interest in the general scope of small branchlines and their history, just as it also touches on aspects of the local history of the area served by the branch.

In compiling the website, I have learned many of the facts recounted here thanks to other sources, and where these provided major input they are acknowledged as such. Whilst I do claim copyright to the text, I have undertaken both research and writing from the start with the intention of placing the results in the public domain. This means that all text on this website may be used without restriction as long as the website is indicated as source.

Photographs, illustrations and multimedia clips taken from my own personal photo files and collection may also be used freely, although this is restricted to non-commercial use (where, again, indicating the website as source is all I ask). This applies to all photographs and illustrations which have no added source/copyright indication. Pictures and illustrations which carry such an indication (e.g. John Smith, used with kind permission) are part of my private collection, but I do not hold the copyright. They are featured on the website only because the copyright holder has given me permission to do so, but this is limited to the Epsom Downs Branch website. They may only be used for other purposes if the copyright holder personally grants permission.

A special copyright situation exists concerning old photographs and postcards, which were or still are available for purchase through various sources (such as the famous Lens of Sutton), and in many cases, the original photographer and/or copyright holder is unknown. According to the Intellectual Property Office, copyright in images lasts for the life of the creator plus 70 years from the end of the calendar year of their death. However, some copyright works may be used without permission from the copyright owner for the purpose of non-commercial research. I would therefore assume that exception to cover the Epsom Downs Branch website for the sake of historical interest, but will of course immediately take down images if notified of a copyright claim.


My first memories of the Epsom Downs branch date back to about 1970, and during many annual holidays spent at my grandmother's house, Banstead station - a ten minutes' walk away - was a regular starting point for trips to Sutton and London Victoria or London Bridge. I started recording the developments on the branch in 1987, taking occasional photographs and building up a collection of items from its past and present. It is a somewhat personal (and sometimes sentimental) endeavour, but any contribution of information or photographs from any period is greatly appreciated - please drop me a line.



The first time I ever thought of taking a photograph of what seemed such a commonplace thing was in July 1987;
Slam-door EMU 2EPB (Cl. 416/3) no. 6325 would then whisk me to London Victoria.


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Page last revised 14 September 2024