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Thank you for your interest in this website. It really grew out of nothing more than my modest personal notekeeping on the topic of shunting puzzle layouts. |
I actually built an HO layout
taking the game as trackplan template (and then taking
track complexity to the silly level), but a move to an
apartment with less space meant storage (and subsequent
dismantling) of the layout, and thus the end for my
switching puzzle activities for a while.
My interest was kick-started back into life by an article I came across in the June 1998 issue of Railway Modeller on Southampton Docks, showing how the general atmosphere of such a railway setting could be incorporated into modelling a small shunting layout. |
Then, in early 2000 - trying out this interesting new search engine called Google instead of Altavista - and searching for "Inglenook Sidings", this Google thing found 5 sites on the internet - two of which actually had something to do with what I was looking for. |
One was Rolf Kramosch's Rendsburg layout in 1 scale [1:32], dating from 1996 (long since disappeared from the world wide web and accessible only thanks to the internet archive), the other was Alan Wright himself, spiritus rector of Inglenook Sidings, who was featured with his 0/16,5 scale narrow gauge layout Ober Bucherschrank Bahn on Chris MacKenzie's Virtual Narrow Gauge MREX - the layout evidently incorporated many elements of the 00 scale classic shunting puzzle. It seems somewhat odd to still be quite a few years away from retirement and yet still be able to say that one witnessed a time when certain information could be found in print but not on the internet. But that's the way it still was in the year 2000, so I decided to make my findings on shunting puzzles, the Inglenook Sidings and the Timesaver available on the web. Initially through a Tripod free website, it was all moved to my own domain in early 2003. I always thought of the website as a small and quick reference compendium of basic facts and figures, rather than a constantly expanding and exhaustive take on its subject. As such I am amazed by the number of visitors over the years, not the least thanks to some links other fellow modellers had put up on their own websites, quite often together with some very nice appraisal and commentaries (which are greatly appreciated) on my modest compilation of basic facts. |
Today (Spring 2024) you can still do that very same search on that very same search engine - except now, Google will come up with a mind boggling 400,000 results for Inglenook Sidings. And it does seem as though the vast majority of those hits actually do have something to do with railway modelling. Amazing. It also means that these simple yet wonderful concepts of providing entertainment through layouts easily set up and operated have been proliferated by numerous railway modellers all around the globe - plus some seminal websites such as the late Carl Arendt's micro layouts pages, second to none in popularizing the concept of having a small layout and not feel bad about it. In fact, small layouts (including shunting puzzles) have gone from a niche interest in the 1970s to something pretty close to mainstream today. So happy shunting and enjoy your switching puzzle - not the least because, as the late Alan Wright would always say, you meet some very kind people in this hobby. |
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created: 18/SEP/2013 Text, photos and illustrations not labelled otherwise are © Adrian Wymann |