Model railway shunting puzzles are fun because they give a sense to running trains by posing a challenge, and finding the solution to this challenge is both satisfying and entertaining. In this respect, shunting puzzles are like any other puzzle. Therefore, in order to take a "look behind the scene" and see how shunting puzzles work, it is best to start with the general question:

What exactly is a puzzle?

My favourite definition of "puzzle" actually has a few layers of dust to it, as it comes from the 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. However, as puzzles aren't new, it still captures the essence in a miraculously short sentence:

"PUZZLE: a perplexing question, particularly a mechanical toy or other device involving some constructional problem, to be solved by the exercise of patience or ingenuity."

Puzzles come in many forms and styles, such as riddles, mazes, jigsaws, blocks, rings, wires, and lots more. Some of the oldest "mechanical" puzzles come from China (perhaps the most familiar being the ch'i ch'iao t'u or Tangram), while the most well known historic European puzzle goes back to a tale from Ancient Greece, dating from 600 BC, and related by Sophocles and Apollodorus: The famous riddle of the Sphinx which sat on Mount Phikion and asked the Thebans "What has one voice, and is four-footed, two-footed and three-footed?" Unless giving the correct answer (which is "man" - crawling in his infancy, walking in his prime and using a stick in old age) you would be killed by the terrible Sphinx...

The origins of the word “puzzle“ are disputed. It has been suggested that the verb to puzzle, which appears at the end of the 16th century, is derived from the noun apposal (meaning "opposition"), indicating "a question for solution". Others assume that the noun is in fact derived from the verb, which, in its earliest examples, means "to put in embarrassing material circumstances, to bewilder, to perplex". Some connection may also be found with a much earlier adjective poselet, meaning "confused, bewildered", which ceased to be used by the end of the 14th century.


Sequential movement puzzle + trains = "the shunting puzzle"

Jerry Slocum & Jack Botermans, who are the authors of a scientific study of the history and principles of puzzle games (Puzzles Old and New, University of Washington Press, 1992), provide an in-depth look at sequential movement puzzles.

Sequential movement puzzles are related to the well-known solitaire or peg puzzles, as well as the famous Rubick cube. The solution to this type of puzzle requires a user to follow a series of sequential movements within a set of strict rules in order to arrive at a predetermined result. Many puzzles of this type first appeared during the 18th and 19th century in Europe, often devised by mathematicians because they involve certain principles of topology, number theory, and combinatorics. However, as most of these puzzles are intended to be fun, they can actually be solved with a very basic mathematical knowledge - very often, logic and trial-and-error are quite sufficient.

One very famous such "mathematical puzzle" is in fact called the railway shunting puzzle.

There are a number of variations, but basically the problem which needs to be solved is that there are two trains facing each other on a single line with just one short siding (which won't hold one of the two equally long trains completely) available. In order to enable the two trains to pass each other and continue their journey, a string of sequential movements using the siding is required. It's quite a brain-teaser, which probably explains why railway companies all over the world took the more costly but easier way out and built passing sidings...  

Model railway shunting puzzles - running a layout as a game

Although it will probably never be possible to determine where and when a railway modeller had the idea to turn a model railway layout into a puzzle for the first time, it is fair to assume that this didn't happen out of mathematical interest but as a result of trying to find a way to increase the fun to be had in operating a model railway layout. Most certainly, it was someone who liked playing games and solving puzzles.

All model railway shunting puzzles seem to belong to one of two different general types: sequential movement (where a pre-determined order needs to be formed) and distributional ordering (where items must be placed where they belong).






Solving a distributional ordering puzzle requires a user to distribute individual elements of a puzzle in such a way that they end up being in what has been pre-determined as their correct place.     Solving a sequential movement puzzle requires a user to follow a series of sequential movements within a set of strict rules in order to arrive at a predetermined result.





Measuring complexity

A question which is often asked once the concept behind a shunting puzzle layout has been explained is as to the degree of complexity or, in other words: just how many possible configurations are there?

The mathematical approach to finding out how many permutations a specific shunting puzzle allows for is fairly easy. If "n" is the total number of cars on the shunting puzzle layout, and "k" is the amount of cars which are selected from this, then the formula to be used is

meaning that n factorial is divided through the factorial of n minus k (the “factorial” of three, for example, is 1 x 2 x 3 = 6, and written as "3!"). Applied to the original Inglenook formula (where 5 cars are selected froma total of 8), the calculation is as follows:

That is to say: the 8 cars can be arranged in 40,320 different ways on the Inglenook layout, and the number of possible trains with five cars which can be made up from these is 6,720.

In other words: if you were to systematically work your way through these combinations, solving four shunting tasks in one hour, and doing that for three hours every evening, you would be at it for 560 operating sessions totalling 28 hours.


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Page created: 24/FEB/2004
Last revised: 18/SEP/2013