
The Brave and the Bold
#105 - Mister Miracle
#12 - Teen Titans
The selection of titles
contained in one of DC's SUPER PACs could be
anything from a logically consistent bundle of
comic books to a completely random mixed bag,
although most at least had a tendency towards a
certain uniformity of content. The first Super
Pac produced for 1973 (coded "A-1",
where "A" indicates the first release
group and "1" stands for January) is
one of these, having a clear superhero theme and
in addition also featuring a common denominator
in that all titles collected feature a "team
effort": Brave and the Bold was
Batman's team-up title, Teen Titans a
straightforward superhero group book, and the
adventures of Mister Miracle regularly
involved partners such as Big Barda.
The comic
book titles packaged in the 1973 A-1 Super Pac
even have another point in common - they were all
bi-monthly titles, i.e. not the strongest selling
titles for DC at the time. They were, however,
regulars in the comic packs, and Batman's team-up
series Brave and the Bold was just as
regularly placed in the bag so it was visible,
forming a strong selling point - in this case Brave
and the Bold #105 utilized Batman's iconic
value (and hence selling power even to
non-regular comic book buyers) to the maximum
with its splashy cover - whilst the juvenile team
book Teen Titans was the other book
which could clearly be seen. Jack Kirby's Fourth
World title Mister Miracle, however, was
sandwiched in between - and only visible with a
little bit of twisting and juggling in the bag of
the outward facing comic books. Clearly, it was
regarded as the least attractive title of the
three and therefore stuck in the middle, mostly
three issues have a publication date in the
indicia of January/February but as DC would in
such cases commonly use the second month for
cover date (making the comic appear new for an
additional month on the shelves or in the spinner
rack) all three books in this January Super Pac
are labelled FEB.

This specific Super Pac is an
excellent example of just how well the packaging
could keep its contents in surprisingly excellent
condition if stored with a reasonable amount of
care, i.e. away from prolongued exposure to light
and heat.
Even though the plastic bag
showed noticeable signs of storage wear -
including some distinct yellowing - the
individual comic books all proved to be in great
shape when the Super Pac was opened in December
2013, a good 40 years after it had been packed
and sealed: pristine covers with perfect gloss
and shine and white to off-white pages throughout
all of the books, which in addition were
perfectly flat and tight (without any spine
stress), with no creases and sharp edges.


The Brave
and the Bold #105
Now... Die Later"
Story - Bob Haney
Art - Jim Aparo
Inks - Jim Aparo
Colours - unknown
Lettering - Jim Aparo
Editor - Murray Boltinoff
Cover - Jim Aparo
all 24 pages of story in this comic book
dedicated to the Batman team-up with
Wonder Woman, Brave and the Bold
#105 is clearly the most attractive issue
contained in this Super Pac for today's
informed comics reader and collector, but
it seems likely this was just as much the
case (or in fact even more so) for buyers
at the time, regardless of whether they
bought comic books regularly or (more
likely) not.
When two rival Hispanic
groups take their violent conflict to thre streets of
Gotham City, Batman enlists the aid of Wonder Woman to
help him find the cause by infiltrating one of the
factions. They soon find out that it is the civil war
raging in the small nation of San Sebastian spilling over
into Gotham. After having enough information to determine
who is good (the revolutionaries) and who is bad (the
corrupt leaders of San Sebastian), Batman and Wonder
Woman bring down a plot which involved smuggling parts
for fighter jets into the country to help the
dictatorship. After defeating the mastermind behind the
operation, Batman turns over the parts to the rebels. |
A swift and entertaining
tale served up by seasoned Brave and the Bold
team Haney and Aparo, this team-up has the added
curiosity factor that Wonder Woman was
"depowered" between September 1968 (Wonder
Woman #178) and November 1972 (Wonder Woman
#203), during which time she was simply Diana Prince,
adventurer extraordinary. And just as she was being
returned to star-spangled hot pants and golden lasso in
her own mag, she teamed up with Batman for a last outing
in civilian clothes. Not
that DC continuity mattered in any way to
"Zaney" Bob Haney (1926 - 2004) - he simply
wrote the Darknight Detective's team-up adventures the
way he felt like doing, sometimes in outright
contradiction to established DC Universe and even core
Batman conventionalities. So much so that Haney's Brave
and the Bold Batman would be deemed to not be the
Batman from Earth-One (i.e. within Silver and Bronze Age
continuity) but rather a Batman living in an alternate
reality: "Earth-B" - a term coined by Bob
Rozakis (Eury, 2013), a fan turned pro who, incidentally,
had a letter published in this issue.
You could hardly ask for
more - plus you got two more comics to go in this Super

Miracle #12
Story - Jack
Art - Jack Kirby
Inks - Mike Royer
Colours - unknown
Lettering - Mike Royer
Editor - Jack Kirby
Cover - Jack Kirby, Mike Royer
Miracle was the longest
lasting of Jack Kirby's
short-lived "Fourth
World" tetralogy, and for a
reason. Although the origin story
of Scott Free was just as
convoluted as all the
"Fourth World" fare
(Free hails from the planet
Apokolips but escapes to Earth
and assumes the identity of his
deceased friend Thaddeus Brown,
an escape artist whose stage name
was Mister Miracle), but his
adventures were by far the most
traditionally super-heroesque
amongst the Fourth World titles
and provided readers with
straightforward reading pleasure.
In that respect, Mister
Miracle #12 is a bit of a hidden gem in this Super
Pac as Mister Miracle is challenged to a death-duel
against Mystivac, a mysterious robot who has already
given him a hypnotically induced subconscious death wish.
However, aided by his wife Big Barda, the escape artist
knocks out Mystivac and learns his opponent's secret: he
is actually an alien. What
may sound a bit lame and somewhat cheesy in plain text
synopsis actually makes for a well paced and entertaining
read spread out over
22 pages. It's a self-contained comic
book adventure (as the cover splash is eager to point out
too, though this effect was, of course, lost to buyers of
this Super Pac) which is highly entertaining - typically
Kirbyesque but in palatable doses even for those who don't care too
much about Kirby's storytelling or, for that matter,
artistic style. And from today's perspective, Mister
Miracle #12 is a real gem of an early 1970s comic
book to have in pretty much mint condition anyway. Plus I
feel certain that had I been given this Super Pac at the
time I would have been thrilled by this example of the
"surprise comic book in the middle".

Titans #43
the Howling Night !"
Story - Bob
Art - Art Saaf
Inks - Nick Cardy
Colours - unknown
Lettering - Ben Oda
Editor - Murray Boltinoff
Cover - Nick Kardy
In the 16
pages main feature the Titans -
i.e. Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid
Flash, Speedy and Lilith- defeat
a group of so-called Moonling
demons that have terrorized a
family on a remote estate. This
is followed by an
8 page second
feature ("Please, Tell Me My
Name !" scripted by Bob
Haney, pencilled and inked by
Ernie Chan and lettered by an
unknown using the obvious
pseudonym of Joe Letterese) in
which Lilith
continues her search for her
parents and clears an innocent
woman of murder just days before
her execution.
First published in
January/February 1966, this is actually the final
installment of the series which was cancelled after this
issue (after a hiatus of almost four years the series
would be relaunched in November 1976, continuing the
numbering). This makes Teen Titans #43 a special
curiosity from a DC publishing history perspective,
although in terms of content the cancellation seems
hardly surprising as this is by far the weakest comic
book in the 1973 A-1 Super Pac. The story kicks off in
mid-action (which was probably okay for younger readers
at the time who could do without the logics of a plot
build-up) and demands nothing but complete suspension of
disbelief. Highly fabricated and with logical loopholes
galore, it's an all together forgettable read. The
artwork is solid but just as uncaptivating as the story.
Here, the backup (which has its share of illogical plot
elements too) differs as Ernie Chan ("Chua" in
the credits and the editorial notes - which by the way
fail to mention this being the last issue, so they
probably didn't see it coming yet) delivers one of his
earliest artwork for DC Comics; he would later help shape
the visuals of Batman during the mid 1970s.
Originally, the concept of the Teen
Titans series revolved around the protagonists helping
fellow teenagers from around the world, and author Bob
Haney tried to link up to hip youth culture by calling
the Teen Titans the "Cool Quartet", the
"Fab Foursome" or the "Whiz Kids" (as
per this issue's cover). This didn't go down well with
some observers who felt it was "strained"
(Daniels, 1995) - and possibly just not in line with DC's
rather more conservative house style and tone compared to
main competitor Marvel's hip lingo and ramblings.
Whatever, Teen Titans never enjoyed more than
modest success on the salesfront, and the only reason
imaginable why it was inserted into this Super Pac as one
of the two visible comic books would seem to lie with
Robin, who would bring up images of Batman even amongst
unseasoned buyers.

DANIELS Les (1995) DC Comics:
Sixty Years of the World's Favorite Comic Book Heroes,
EURY Michael (2013)
"The Batman of Earth-B", in Back Issue #66
(August 2013), TwoMorrows Publishing
posted on the web 11 December 2013
revised and reposted 16 April 2014
minor update 28 June 2023
is (c) 2013-2014 A. Wymann
The illustrations presented here are copyright material.
Their reproduction in this non-commercial context is
considered to be fair use
